Mese: Dicembre 2019

Verbale CD Skype 19.12.19

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Verbale CD Skype 03.12.19

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100 years
Spiritual Science and
Anthroposophic Medicine

Medical Section at the Goetheanum

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Le evidenze scientifiche
della medicina antroposofica

30 gennaio 2020, ore 20.45

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Do patients of integrative anthroposophic pediatric inpatient departments differ? Comparative analysis to all pediatric inpatients in Germany considering demographic and clinical characteristics

Fetz et al. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1623

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The power of touch: external applications from whole medical systems in the care of cancer patients (literature review)

Mühlenpfordt, I., Stritter, W., Bertram, M. ...

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Corso di frizioni ritmiche e frizione d'organo per medici

primo incontro 31.01 - 01.02.2020

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Le sorgenti della salute

Edizioni Arte dell'Io
isbn: 978-88-85600...

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